Message from our Director By: Lynn Hatfield

Welcome to LINC’s Fall 2021 Newsletter! We have a busy fall ahead and in this newsletter you will find many activities coming up that you might want to be a part of:

  • We have our Annual Meeting coming on September 23rd, which you are welcome to attend. Just call the office to register or go to and receive the link by text or email, as our meeting will be on Zoom again this year.
  • Our Youth Program has some great parent trainings monthly on IEP and educational advocacy.
  • Our support groups are meeting again in person! 
  • Our Home Service Team is growing so jump to page 3, and we’ll introduce you to our 2 newest staff members Migeon and Shakeeta! Do you need a Personal Assistant?  They are the ones to call!
  • And later this fall stay tuned for some exciting news about our new Executive Director as I will be retiring in October!!

MORE BIG STAFF NEWS: LINC Board and Staff would like you to join us in wishing Lynn Jarman, our past Executive Director and Asst. Director, a very relaxing and happy retirement!  Lynn retired in April of this year.  I have to be honest, it was a bittersweet moment for us all.  L.J., as she is known to those of us here at LINC, was and continues to be, passionate about serving.  Not only did she assist consumers as they journeyed into greater independent living but she did the same for staff. L.J. left us as a better agency because of her leadership and guidance and we wish her the very best on her new adventure!

The fun never stops here at LINC!  There is always something new going on so stay in touch; continue to check out our Facebook page and our website for more information.

Opening doors for individuals with disabilities through education, advocacy, and  independent living resources.

Inside This Issue

Program Updates:

Living Well with Vision Loss:

LWVL program staff have worked tirelessly to ensure that the COVID pandemic did not interfere with programming, developing new ways to keep up with consumer needs.  We would like to thank our consumers for their support as we navigated this unfamiliar path and are looking forward to continuing this momentum into the new year.  In related news, LINC has recently obtained funding for a limited amount of consumers under the age of 55 in Monroe and Randolph counties.  For any questions, contact or

Youth Services:

Our Youth Advocacy program continues to grow.  We are now offering a range of IEP advocacy services as well as several age-based peer groups addressing transition services and independent living skills.  A parent support group and monthly IPA advocacy trainings are slated for this fall.  Please contact for more information.

Ramp Program:

LINC, Inc is excited to announce that we have recently received funding to purchase ramps for several consumers in Monroe and Randolph counties.  For information, contact

Personal Assistant Program:

Are you interested in becoming a Personal Assistant?  LINC offers the opportunity for PAs to be placed on the statewide PA registry.  For additional information or to sign up for a training, email or call our office.  All trainings are located at the Swansea office, or virtual trainings can be arranged. Upcoming dates are:

September 14th – 1 to 4

October 19th – 1 to 4

November 16th – 9 to 12

December 14th – 1 to 4

Community Reintegration: 

While COVID and the associated restrictions certainly threw a wrench into our normal way of doing things, CRP staff  continue to transition consumer from the nursing home into the community.  Expect to see us getting busier as more restrictions are released.  For more information contact

Equipment Loan

LINC offers the most commonly used Durable Medical Equipment (DME) on short term loan.  The most popular items are wheelchairs, rollators, bedside commodes, and shower benches, but we do have many other items available. Please contact

Transportation Update:

Did you know that Metro’s Guide to Accessibility and Independence is available online?

More information can be found at

Staff Updates:

Please join us in welcoming our newest staff members!

 Shakeeta Jones-Pickens is our Transition Coordinator for the Community Reintegration Program.  Shakeeta has worked in the Social Service field for over 15 years.  She is excited to be able to take her past experiences and apply them to the Independent Living field.

Migeon Whales is our new Personal Assistant

Coordinator.  With over 18 years of experience as a Personal Assistant, Migeon brings a new and valuable perspective to the LINC team.  She looks forward to the challenges before her.


Please congratulate Kelsee Hill and Amy Engle, as they have both taken on new responsibilities!

 Kelsee Hill is now our Community Living Supervisor.  After obtaining her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, Kelsee gained experience in the Long Term Care field before coming to work as LINC’s Transition Coordinator in 2017.  Her experience as Transition Coordinator makes her the perfect choice to lead the Home Services team.

Amy Engle is our new Assistant Executive Director.  Amy has been at LINC since 2016, starting in the Living Well with Vision Loss program and later leading the Home Services team.  Amy holds a Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling and has worked in the disability field for the majority of her career.  Amy’s strengths in communication and program management will be an asset in this new position.

LINC Staff


Lynn Hatfield—Executive Director

Amy Engle—Assistant Exec. Director

Kelsee Hill—Community Living Supervisor

Shakeeta Jones-Pickens—Transition Coordinator

Migeon Whales—PA Coordinator

Tyler Dierks—Home Services Assistant

Libby Oxenham—Independent Living Advocate (Deaf)

Jon Douglas—Independent Living Advocate

Amanda Soukup—Youth Advocate

Jane Rieso—Assessment/Training Specialist

Daniel Hawkins—Independent Living

Advocate (Deaf/Blind)

Crystal Martin—Independent Living Advocate/Equipment Loan

Paula Parsons—Office Manager

Daniel Hamlin—Office Assistant

Brian Heine—IT/Media

Membership Information

We are super excited about all that LINC is doing and you could be a part of it! Are you a member of LINC?  If not, you are missing out on an opportunity to be an important part of the Independent Living Movement right here in Illinois!! 

A donation of just $20 gives you a basic membership to LINC, Inc. and helps support our programs for individuals with disabilities and their families right here in St. Clair, Monroe, and Randolph Counties.

Go to for more information on our Donation page.

COVID-19 News

Recently, LINC, Inc joined IMPACT CIL in “Deaf Day”, a push to coordinate COVID-19 vaccination shots for Deaf and Hard of Hearing consumers.  The event was a success, and we are thankful for the ability to partner with other agencies to spread awareness of the needs of the disabled population.

If you have been impacted financially due to COVID-19 and have someone with a disability in your household, LINC may be able to help.  Call 618-235-9988 for information.

Advocacy Efforts

Recently, Kelsee Hill, Community Living Supervisor, sat down with Gustavo Serafini of Enabled Disabled.  Enabled Disabled is a podcast designed to spread awareness about disability related topics.  Congratulations to Kelsee on making this important connection and helping to educate others.  Listen to her podcast at

LINC staff member, Libby Oxenham, has been highly involved in the LEAD-K Campaign for the state of Illinois.  LEAD-K (Language Equality and Acquisition for Deaf Kids) is an advocacy effort that seeks to ensure all Deaf and hard of hearing children are given the ability to learn a language – be it English or ASL – prior to entering Kindergarten.  Studies show that the first 3 years of life are critical for language development, and often Deaf or hard of hearing children do not develop the foundation of skills necessary for success through spoken language alone.  Similar efforts have been successful in other states.  For additional information, visit or contact Libby at

Living with “Non-24”

Are you totally blind or know someone who is?  Recently, our New Seekers Support Group had a guest speaker talk to us about Non-24.

Non-24 is a real medical condition that affects people with vision loss.  It affects circadian rhythms and is a serious sleeping disorder for many blind people. 

I encourage anyone who is interested in learning more to call 1-844-804-2424 or go to  Information is very detailed and is available in both audio and braille.

“The most interesting people you’ll find are ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box.  They’ll make what they need.  They’ll make their own boxes” – Dr. Temple Grandin

Independent Living—Did you know?

Did you know that as recently as 50 years ago, people with disabilities faced social, political, educational, and physical barriers that made it impossible to participate fully in their communities?The first Center for Independent Living was founded by disability activists in Berkeley, California in 1972.  The founding members of the Independent Living movement consisted of staunch activists who believed that people with disabilities should have the same rights and responsibilities as any other individual.  Since that time, over 400 Centers for Independent Living have developed across the United States.

With the passage of the Rehabilitation Act in 1973, civil rights of people with disabilities were, for the first time in history, protected by law.  The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 outlawed discrimination based on disability and provided equal opportunities for employment, equal access to public services, and funding of vocational training. In 1975, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (later renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), mandated equal access for all children in schools.  It wasn’t until the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed in 1990 that these civil rights were to become the foundation of disability rights as we know them today.

As we celebrate the 31st anniversary of the signing of the ADA on July 26th, please take a moment to reflect on the developments made over the past three decades.  We look forward to advocating for continued advancement in the rights of the disabled population and encourage you to join us!

Dates to Remember:

September 23:  LINC, Inc Anniversary Celebration and virtual meeting.  All are welcome!

October 15-December 7 Medicare open enrollment period.  Call us to schedule an appointment with one of our SHIP counselors.

Support Groups

Support Groups and Contact Information:

New Seekers – Every Thursday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm via Zoom

Brain Injury – Every Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 am at the Swansea office

MS Group – Every other month from 7-9 pm at the Swansea office Diane Earhart 618-235-8823

Trans Parent Southwest IL – 3rd Wednesday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Swansea office.

NAMI – First Saturday of every month from 12-1:30 pm at the Swansea office


15 Emerald Terrace

Swansea, IL 62226

Phone: 618-235-9988


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